Posted on February 10, 2012 at 3:50 pm

If you’re reading this, it likely means you’ve been drawn here by a business interest, making you our ideal reader.

Despite millions of blogs on the web – and the alarming statistic that over 50% are abandoned within the first 90 days – we’ve still decided to throw our hat in the ring, and attempt to join the other 50% that grab an audience online through useful, web-worthy insight.

Before launching, however, we spent years researching the key elements of what makes a good blog tick, and developed our own innovations towards furthering the craft.

Our hope is that with this first post, we can not only communicate what we’re trying to accomplish, but also provide a resource for helping you setup your own company blog.

Developing a mission statement

Every blog should have a mission that serves as a compass for the posts, articles, and ideas within. That being said, it needs to be different from your businesses’ actual mission, though – like your real mission statement – it still needs to be clear, concise, and convey your direction.

To elaborate further, here’s our blog’s mission statement:

“To inform and educate business owners with useful ideas for helping them grow and succeed both offline and online.”

In addition, we identified our blog’s objective, readers, and message with the intent of adding more focus and direction:

Our objective is to reach business owners with compelling content that generates tangible benefits for their business. By providing valuable information, we aim to expand our audience, our reach, and our clientele.

Our readers will be a combination of clients and prospects.  Clients will follow us to further their web knowledge, while prospects will visit to learn how we can benefit them.

Our message will be centered on web development, design trends, marketing techniques, and company news, with a frequency of 2 – 3 posts per month.

Moving forward..

If you have a specific topic that you want us to research and write about, please contact us. We’d be delighted to hear from you!

The UWD Team